Health Workforce Update and Job Market Trends, January 2025


JOB VACANCY SUMMARY (IVI November 2024 data)

Online job vacancies for health and medical occupations across Australia remained steady in November 2024 compared to the previous month. Most occupation groups saw minor declines, while vacancies for Medical Practitioners rose significantly in all states and territories.

Year-on-year, the volume of online health and medical job vacancies has reduced overall, and vacancy rates are moderating following strong employment gains in the sector.

WORKFORCE SUMMARY (ABS Total Employed, November 2024 data):

In November 2024, the total number of people employed in the Australian health sector continues to grow, up 5.3% year-on-year, and mainly driven by employment in the Allied Health workforce (up 15.78% year-on-year) and the Medical Practitioner workforce (up 21.24% year-on-year). However, health sector employment growth varied between States and Territories, and there are several health sector occupations with declining employment numbers compared to the previous year. Overall, Health Sector employment growth continues to outpace the rise in the Australian resident population (up 2.1%, in the year ending 30 June 2024).

Firm demand for skilled health professionals is expected to persist into 2025, particularly in remote areas and regions with growing demographic demand for health services. However, contracting employment growth and declining vacancies will ease demand for some health sector occupations.

In-demand* occupations, Australia-wide: Nutrition Professionals, Medical Imaging Professionals, Audiologists and Speech Pathologists/Therapists, Psychologists, General Practitioners and Resident Medical Officers, Anaesthetists, Psychiatrists, Surgeons, Other Medical Practitioners, Midwives, and Welfare Support Workers.

*In demand refers to occupations with greater volumes of online job ads / vacancies in Nov-24 vs Nov-22 and Nov-19, as well as positive year-on-year employment growth (Total Employed in Nov-24 vs Nov-23).


Explore our charts below, with insights on health sector employment growth, job vacancies, and vacancy rates.




Source: > Data downloads > Internet Vacancies, ANZSCO4 Occupations, States and Territories - November 2024.xlsx. *Refer to the ANZSCO Occupation table below for the break-down of Occupations and Occupation Groups covered in the scope of this report.



Tables notes and sources: Job Vacancies data - > Data downloads > Internet Vacancies, ANZSCO4 Occupations, States and Territories – November 2024.xlsx. Total Employed data - > EQ08 - Employed persons by Occupation unit group of main job (ANZSCO), Sex, State and Territory, August 1986 onwards (Pivot Table), Nov-24 latest data. Vacancy rate = Internet Vacancies as % of Total Employed. *Refer to the ANZSCO Occupation Table below for the health and medical occupations and Occupation Groups covered in this report.


Source: Total Employed data - > EQ08 - Employed persons by Occupation unit group of main job (ANZSCO), Sex, State and Territory, August 1986 onwards (Pivot Table), Nov-24 latest data. *Refer to the ANZSCO Occupation Table below for the health and medical occupations and occupation groups covered in this report.


Notes and sources: Total Employed data - > EQ08 - Employed persons by Occupation unit group of main job (ANZSCO), Sex, State and Territory, August 1986 onwards (Pivot Table), Nov-24 latest data. Job Vacancies data - > Data downloads > Internet Vacancies, ANZSCO4 Occupations, States and Territories – November 2024.xlsx. Vacancy rate is calculated as Internet Vacancies as % of Total Employed. *Refer to the ANZSCO Occupation Table below for the health and medical occupations and occupation groups covered in this report.

Notes and sources: ABS Population data - > Population - states and territories, Quarterly population by sex, by state and territory, from June 1981 onwards, latest data at 30 June 2024. Total Employed data - > EQ08 - Employed persons by Occupation unit group of main job (ANZSCO), Sex, State and Territory, August 1986 onwards (Pivot Table), Nov-24 latest data. *Refer to the ANZSCO Occupation Table below for the break-down of Occupations and Occupation Groups covered in the scope of this report.




ANZSCO Occupation Table:

Below is our breakdown of the 4-digit ANZSCO Health and Medical Occupations, and Occupation Groups, covered in the scope of this report.


Prepared by the editorial team.


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