We are currently seeking Assistants in Nursing to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) for future casual positions within Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (GCHHS), Nursing and Midwifery Staffing Unit.
Is the type of position you're looking for not currently advertised? Submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) for future casual Assistant in Nursing (Nursing and Midwifery Staffing Unit) roles within Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (GCHHS).
If deemed suitable, your details will remain in the Assistant in Nursing (Nursing and Midwifery Staffing Unit) talent pool and you may be contacted further by GCHHS if any opportunities arise matching your skills and location preferences.
GCHHS may request your participation in other recruitment selection processes (e.g. written application, interview etc.) to further determine suitability for employment for specific positions.
About you
To be successful in this position you will require:
- A Certificate III or above in health-related studies or enrolment in undergraduate health studies
- Working with children check (GCH will cover cost)
- Evidence of vaccination, or be able to be vaccinated against and remain vaccinated against - Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Hepatitis B and COVID 19
- Tuberculosis screening, to identify if the tuberculosis vaccination may be required
- Declaration of serious discipline history must be disclosed
- Criminal History Screening will be required for new employees (GCH will cover cost)
About Gold Coast Health
- Nationally and internationally recognised location for innovative medical research and health care
- Annual operating budget exceeding $1.5 billion
- More than 1100 beds across three hospitals - Gold Coast University Hospital, Robina Hospital, Varsity Lakes Hospital and Robina and Southport Health Precincts
- Secondary and tertiary health services across more than 20 facilities
- Opportunity to combine professional advancement, job satisfaction and relaxation into one fulfilling lifestyle
Additional Information:
- Submission of this EOI form is not a guarantee that you will be offered employment with GCHHS
- By submitting an EOI, you will not automatically be considered for advertised vacancies. If you wish to be considered for a specific advertised vacancy, please ensure you complete the application form and submit your application for the relevant vacancy via the job search website and follow the process outlined for that vacancy
- The EOI process is just one avenue of seeking employment with the GCHHS. You also have the option to apply for advertised vacancies within Queensland Health via the job search website; Contact details for GCHHS and the facilities under their management are available on our website
Further information
We are committed to building inclusive cultures in the Queensland public sector that respect and promote human rights and diversity.
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Before applying for this vacancy please ensure you read the documents below.