Health Service Categories and Careers


Biomedical Science is based on generic health sciences such as anatomy and physiology, cellular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, epidemiology, and immunology. It also involves histology, pharmacology, mathematics and statistics, bioinformatics, bioengineering, biotechnology, and laboratory management. While medicine focuses on clinical practice and its implications, biomedicine focuses on laboratory research, and the development of knowledge, interventions, or technology to use in healthcare and public health. However, with the wide range of academic and research activities within this field, and the opportunity to generate greater economic profits, the industry extends beyond the hospital laboratory and into the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and agricultural sectors.

Biomedicine/Biomedical Science Jobs

Biomedical Scientists work in a range of settings across the public and private sectors, including hospital and pathology laboratories, research institutions, government agencies, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. They work in laboratories and undertake a range of research, testing, analysis, modelling, and development projects. They may conduct experiments, develop products, or provide diagnostic and assessment services for hospitals and health care providers. They have specialised scientific knowledge, technical skills for using and maintaining a range of laboratory equipment, and can accurately measure, record, and interpret results to guide diagnosis, research and development. Biomedical Scientists have undertaken a Bachelor or Master’s degree in biomedicine, biomedical sciences, or a related discipline.